2017 AGM – Draft Minutes


Minutes of the Annual general meeting held at Shildon on the 13th May 2017

[Note: these are the draft minutes of the 2017 AGM, and will be confirmed (or otherwise) at the 2018 AGM.]

1.   Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Tony Goodbody, Ian Hemphill, Colin Curtis and Bill Pipe.

2.   Minutes of the 2016 AGM
The minutes of the 2016 were accepted as a true record of the previous AGM.  Proposed by Patricia Peters (PP), seconded by John Bathard.  The Chairman signed the minutes accordingly.

3.   Matters arising from these Minutes
The situation in regard to the archive was discussed.  PP, who holds the archive, reported that the holding was extensive, but also included some of her own material. In regard to publicity material Terry Davies (TD) was still awaiting a response to his request for ideas.

4.   Reports Published before the Meeting

Chairman’s report
•  Brian Childs (BC) added to his published report by thanking everyone for their support.
•  He explained that one live committee meeting had been held but attempts were still being made to hold meetings via email or other means.
•  The collection of information about members interests is progressing and members will shortly be asked for this information.
•  The concept of a “Presentation in a Box” has progressed.  The old presentation was on show and Roy Hardiman (RH) was to present a new version to the Convention.
•  Commenting on the large stock of Harold Wilson’s TPO book BC thought that we should target preserved railways running TPOs. Other ways of using the book was as a special offer for new members. It could also form part of a TPO starter pack.
•  BC suggested that the journal would be of more value, both from the research and financial viewpoints if it were available as a scanned document. The RLPS possibly has facilities for doing this.  RH added that he had done a trial scan for committee members but had no feedback on this.

Secretary’s Report
•  RH added to his report by saying that contact has been established with the NRM York curator who looks after their philatelic collection.

Journal Editor’s Report
•  Keith Downing (KD) reported that savings had been made on printing costs whilst maintaining its high standards.  As always more material is required.

Publication Officer’s Report
•  The situation in regard to Harold Wilson’s book had already been covered. KD was able to report that all the stocks of books had been written off for accounting purposes.
•  He gave RH copies of books to give to the NRM.  It was suggested that a note was added to show the books were donated by the RPG.

Newsletter Editor’s Report – No further comments.

Exchange Packet Secretary’s Report
•  Ian Hemphill (IH) had arranged for two sample packets to be available for inspection at the Convention.

5.   Reports presented to the Meeting

Treasurer’s Report to 30.09.2016
Terry Davies (TD) was able to present a report which showed our finances were now on a sound basis with a surplus of over a £1,000. This was mainly due to the savings in printing the Journal as reported earlier.  The auction income is down as there was only one auction in the year instead of the normal two.  The costs of producing Frank Wilson’s book had been included in the 2015 accounts so all sales are now clear profit.

Membership Secretary’s Report
Patricia Peters (PP) thanked everyone for their prompt payments of subscriptions.  It is not yet possible to know the exact numbers as standing order data does not come for three months.  We have recruited new members and they have all been through the website. KD indicated that he was prepared to take over this role.

BC thanked Patricia and proposed a vote of appreciation and thanks for all her work over the years.  This was seconded by Iain Wells and agreed unanimously.

Webmaster & Archivist’s Report
PP reported that the current website was built in 2009 based on the work of Tony Goodbody.  The site now needed revising and placing on another platform.  BC reported a new draft website was being prepared by Jim Bryant (JB) and BC, with JB taking on the role of Webmaster when the new site goes live. 

Auctioneer’s Report – The next auction is now ready.

Librarian’s Report
Our librarian is David Zeidler.  BC is to contact him to try and establish the extent and contents of our library.

6.  Election of Officers to the General Committee

The following Members offered to serve as Officers.

Chairman:   Brian Childs
Secretary:   Roy Hardiman
Treasurer:   Terry Davies
Journal Editor:   Keith Downing
Membership and Renewals Secretary:   Keith Downing
Auctioneer:   Bill Pipe
Packet Secretary:   Ian Hemphill
Archivist:   (vacant post)
Webmaster:   Jim Bryant
Publications Officer:   Keith Downing
Publicity Officer:   Vacant post
Newsletter Editor:   Colin Curtis
Librarian:   David Zeidler

It was proposed by Ken Mitchell and seconded by Keith Dewhirst that the above Officers be elected on block.  This was agreed by the meeting and the Officers were elected unanimously.

Note:  These Officers with the Chairman, form the Committee which manages the RPG.

7.  Convention and AGM 2018 

Iain Wells, the 2018 Convention Officer, has reported to the Committee on the plans for the 2018 Convention.  It will be held from Friday 15th June through to Sunday 17th June, 2018. He has made much progress having selected the hotel which is the Greswolde Arms Hotel, High Street, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0LL.  Iain requested ideas for the programme and offers for displays. PP said that she was available to help Ian in the organisation of the weekend Convention.

 8.  Convention and AGM 2019


The 2019 Convention would be a one day event according to the established pattern. One suggestion was to have the AGM at Midpex.  An alternative would be York. RH is to look at possible veneus. A 2019 Convention Officer was not appointed.

9.  Any Other Business

•  Keith Downing reported that the RPG was to hold a joint meeting with the Thematic Society.
•  BC stressed the need for an active Publicity Officer and ask the Members present to try and find a suitable person.
•  RPG Material held by Fred: BC reported that we have been asked to recover material held by Fred belonging to the RPG from his house.  TD was to visit the house the following day to assess the situation.
• National Postal Museum Reopening: KD  is trying to work with the National Postal Museum to arrange for the RPG to be involved in the reopening of the museum and the underground railway.  A draft of the proposed cover was shown to the meeting and this was approved.
•  Railway Ephemera Society: BC reported that this society was on the point of collapse due to the lack of members willing to be officers and he wished the AGM to consider any ways in which the RPG could assist. After a debate it was agreed that there was no significant overlap of interests between the two societies and reluctantly the RPG could not offer any constructive help.
•  List of Members’ interests: Following a debate on this subject it was agreed that a pro-former requesting details of Members’ interests would be sent out with the September Journal along with the renewal notices.  There would then be a follow up letter sent only to those who did not reply.  It was emphasised that any personal data collected will be safeguarded in accordance with the Data Protection Laws.

Chairman’s Closing remarks.

BC thank Jim Bryant for his hard work in organising the Convention.

The meeting closed at 1.30pm.