RPG Postal Auction (Members only)

The Railway Philatelic Group runs two Postal Auctions each year – one in the Summer, and one in the Winter. RPG Postal Auctions are open to RPG members only.

RPG Winter 2024/25 Postal Auction

There are 452 auction lots and once again we have a great selection of items – so there should be something there for everybody. Good luck with your bids!

CLICK HERE to view the RPG Winter 2024/25 Postal Auction List – CLOSED

CLICK HERE to view the RPG Winter 2024/25 Bidding Form – CLOSED

This Auction is now closed, but details will be left available for reference.

* Bids from members can be sent to the Auctioneer by post (or delivered by hand) using the Bidding Form (or as a letter, including all information required by the Bidding Form), and must be accompanied by a cheque (see Bidding Rule 3 below). Bids (including all information required by the Bidding Form) can also be sent in by email. The Auctioneer must receive a cheque by the Closing Date for Bids or such bids cannot be entered in the Auction. The results of the RPG Summer 2021 Postal Auction will be posted here after the Auction.

All bids or other correspondence concerning the Auction should be sent to the Auctioneer:
W T Pipe, 7 Richard Close, Upton, POOLE, BH16 5PY (email: magpiebillpipe@freeuk.com)

FURTHER INFORMATION   (click on each link to go to that section)

Postal Auctions – RULES FOR BIDDERS  *** PLEASE READ ***

1. Bids for the Auction can only be accepted from RPG Members.
2. Participation in the auction automatically implies full acceptance of these rules.
Your bid(s) for the Auction must be accompanied by a signed cheque made payable to the RAILWAY PHILATELIC GROUP with the amount left blank and endorsed NOT TO EXCEED £XXX, where £XXX is the total of all your bids plus an allowance for postage and packing (see postage costs below).
(3b) Bids without such a cheque cannot be entered in the Auction.
If you successfully bid for any item(s), we will enter on the cheque the total amount due for the items you have bought plus postage and packing (see postage costs below). Lots will be sent to the successful purchasers, together with a receipt for monies paid. If you are completely unsuccessful in the Auction your cheque will be shredded.
(3d) To guarantee the security of cheques please ensure you enter RAILWAY PHILATELIC GROUP on the ‘Pay….’ line.
4. Bidding increments are:
– in steps of 50p up to £50, then …
– in steps of £1 over £50
Any bid between increments will be taken as a bid at the next highest increment
(e.g. a bid of £16.34 will be treated as a bid of £16.50 etc).
5. The winning bidder will be charged at a rate of one increment more than the next highest bidder (or at the base rate if there are no other bidders).
6. In the event of tied highest bids for any Lot, the Lot will be sold to the first-received of the tied highest bids.
7. Postage costs for Lots won will be paid for by the purchaser. Postage for Lots or combined Lots won at less than £100 will be charged at a minimum rate . Postage for Lots or combined Lots sold at £100 or over will be sent by Registered/Special Delivery and charged accordingly.
8. Purchasers’ names will not be disclosed.
9. If the purchaser of any lot considers it to have been wrongly described, he/she may return the lot within 3 days, saying in which way he/she considers the lot to be wrongly described.
10. Any issues of dispute will be put to the RPG Committee, whose decision will be final and binding.
11. Participation in the auction automatically implies full acceptance of these rules.

Postal Auctions – HOW TO SUBMIT BIDS

(a) Bids using the Bidding Form (RPG Members only) can be sent in by post as follows:

a) Print off the Bidding Form
b) Enter your bids (plus your personal details) on the Bidding Form
c) Complete a cheque payable to the RAILWAY PHILATELIC SOCIETY as in Rule 3 above
d) Post the Bidding Form and Cheque to:
W T Pipe, 7 Richard Close, Upton, POOLE, BH16 5PY

(b) Bids without the Bidding Form (RPG Members only) can also be sent to WT Pipe as ordinary letters, but you will need to include the same information as is listed on the Bidding Form plus a cheque made payable to the RAILWAY PHILATELIC SOCIETY as in Rule 3 above.

(c) Bids by email (RPG Members only) can be sent as follows:

a) Email your bid(s) – including all information required on the Bidding Form to magpiebillpipe@freeuk.com
b) Complete and post a cheque made payable to the RAILWAY PHILATELIC SOCIETY as in Rule 3 above to WT Pipe to arrive no later than the Closing Date for Bids.

Please note: email bids for which no cheque is received by the Closing Date for Bids cannot be entered in the Auction.

Please ensure you send in your bid(s) and cheque in time for them to arrive before the closing date
A Realisation List will be made available online after the auction when all the bids are settled

Postal Auctions – HOW TO REQUEST photocopies / scans of Auction Lots

a) By Post

Photocopies are charged at 5p per Lot. If you want to receive photocopies of selected Lots, please make a postal request to the Auctioneer (W T Pipe, 7 Richard Close, Upton, POOLE, BH16 5PY) stating which Lots you would like photocopies of. Along with your request you must include a stamped addressed envelope plus full-gum postage stamps of sufficient value to pay for the photocopies.

b) By email

If you want to receive scans of selected Lots, please email the Auctioneer at magpiebillpipe@freeuk.com stating which Lots you would like scans of.
There is no charge for email scans.


1. Material for the Auction can only be accepted from RPG Members.
2. Participation in the auction automatically implies full acceptance of these rules.
3. All material for an Auction should be sent to the Auctioneer by the scheduled Closing Date for Auction Lots for that Auction (see also Note to Vendors below).
4. Vendors must include a description and a reserve price with each lot.
5. All materials submitted for Auction are at the Owner’s Risk. Whilst every care is taken of material when it is in the possession of the Auctioneer, no liability will be entertained by him or by the RPG.
6. 12½% of the sale price of each lot will be deducted for Group Funds, the remainder being passed on to the vendor.
7. Unsold lots will be charged at 10p plus the cost of return postage.
8. Any issues of dispute will be put to the RPG Committee, whose decision will be final and binding.
9. Participation in the auction automatically implies full acceptance of these rules.

Note to Vendors (Members only):

Items with a reserve of less than £5 are not suitable for the Auction. If you have such
items for sale you should consider whether they are suitable for the Exchange Packet,
or whether you want to request a mention of them in the RPG Newsletter.

If you have difficulty accessing the Auction Catalogue or Bidding Form,
or just want contact us about anything else,
CLICK HERE to go the the Contact Us page